Alaphat Magezi

Kampala, Uganda · +256 784528444 ·

I am a highly result-driven software engineer with the ability to work on software systems development by accurately interpreting user requirements, creating the required software designs, coding and testing them, and integrating the software. Well-versed in technology and writing code to create systems that are reliable and user-friendly.

Technical Proficiencies

  • JavaScript Frameworks:

    Proficient in working with ReactJs, React Native, NextJs, and ExpressJs. Experienced in applying Vanilla JavaScript, S.O.L.I.D Principles, JavaScript OOP, Design patterns, G.R.A.S.P Principles, and TypeScript in projects.

  • Databases:

    Skilled in utilizing MongoDB, MySQL, and PostgreSQL for data storage and retrieval in various applications.

  • NodeJS:

    Proficient in Node.js development and working with popular frameworks like Express and NestJs. Familiarity with Prisma ORM for efficient database access and management.

  • CI/CD:

    Experienced in setting up continuous integration and continuous deployment pipelines using tools like Heroku pipelines, Circle CI, and Docker containerization.

  • AWS RDS:

    Knowledgeable in managing databases with Amazon Web Services' relational database service (RDS).

  • Lean and Agile:

    Strong understanding and practical experience with Lean and Agile methodologies for efficient project management and development.

  • TDD and BDD:

    Skilled in Test-Driven Development (TDD) and Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) practices to ensure code quality and functionality.

  • Git and GitHub Version Control:

    Proficient in using Git for version control and GitHub for collaborative development and code sharing.


Full Stack Software Engineer

Mobiklinic, Kampala

- My primary responsibility is to develop software solutions that align with the NGO's mission and goals. This includes designing, coding, testing, and maintaining software applications that address specific healthcare challenges or support the organization's initiatives.

- I collaborate with stakeholders, including healthcare professionals, researchers, and lawyers, to gather and analyze requirements for software projects. This involves understanding their needs, workflows, and desired outcomes to ensure that the developed solutions effectively address their challenges.

- Based on the gathered requirements, I contribute to the design of software solutions. This includes defining the architecture, selecting appropriate technologies, and proposing efficient and scalable system designs that meet the Mobiklinic's objectives.

01 April 2023 – Present

Remote Backend Engineer

Agalm Technologies, Nigeria

- As a Backend Engineer at Agalm Technologies, my primary role involved developing robust and efficient applications, with a specific focus on coding, debugging, and troubleshooting. I worked closely with front-end developers, ensuring seamless integration of user-facing elements with the server-side logic.

- Spearheaded the development process, gathering requirements, and addressing both technical and design aspects of the applications.

- Utilized a tech stack centered around NodeJS, NestJs, PostgreSQL, Prisma ORM, and AWS, allowing for the creation of high-performance and secure applications.


- Successfully led the backend development of a breast cancer checking application, playing a vital role in implementing various functionalities.

- Created functional REST APIs, providing smooth communication between the frontend and backend components of the application.

Key Responsibilities:

- Spearheaded the development process, gathering requirements, and addressing both technical and design aspects of the applications. My expertise in making architectural choices contributed to the development of scalable and maintainable software solutions.

- Utilized a tech stack centered around NodeJS, NestJs, PostgreSQL, Prisma ORM, and AWS, allowing for the creation of high-performance and secure applications.

During my tenure at Agalm Technologies, my contributions significantly contributed to the successful delivery of projects and the development of high-quality software solutions that positively impacted end-users and the organization as a whole.

01 November 2022 – 31 March 2023

Software Engineer Apprentice

Refactory Kampala, Uganda

During my tenure as a Software Engineer Apprentice at Refactory Kampala, I had the privilege of being part of the backend team responsible for developing a cutting-edge peer-to-peer blockchain e-commerce platform.

This platform was designed using JavaScript technologies such as ReactJs and NodeJS, and employed PostgreSQL for data storage. Notably, the e-commerce platform was built on web3, enabling secure and transparent transactions worldwide for goods, services, and property through the implementation of smart contracts


- Ensured the delivery of quality, clean code by adhering to best coding practices and established industry standards.

- Conducted thorough testing of the codebase, ensuring high code reliability, and identifying and resolving potential issues promptly.

- Successfully developed and implemented functional REST APIs, enabling smooth interactions between different components of the platform.

My experience at Refactory, Kampala not only provided me with valuable insights into blockchain technology and e-commerce platforms but also allowed me to contribute significantly to the development of a robust and efficient solution that has the potential to transform global transactions in a secure and decentralized manner.

1st June 2021 - 31st October 2022

Mobile and Website supervisor

EU Great Lakes Youth Network for Dialogue and Peace Project. Goma, D.R.C

In my role as the Mobile and Website Supervisor for the EU Great Lakes Youth Network for Dialogue and Peace, I played a pivotal role in overseeing the design and development of both the website and mobile application. My responsibilities involved collaborating with developers and the project team to ensure seamless coordination throughout the development process.

Key Responsibilities:

Facilitated effective communication and collaboration between developers and the project team, ensuring that all requirements and expectations were well understood and met.

Guided the development team on software design patterns, enabling them to adopt best practices and maintain consistency across the project.

Conducted thorough verification of both app and website deployments, guaranteeing that they were error-free and met the desired standards.

Provided close supervision and guidance throughout the entire development lifecycle of each feature, including the implementation of a user forum, network caching, and other essential components.


Successfully delivered a well-designed website and application that precisely met the project team's requirements and specifications. The outcome was a user-friendly and feature-rich platform, catering to the unique needs of the EU Great Lakes Youth Network for Dialogue and Peace.

Throughout my tenure, I not only contributed to the successful execution of the project but also ensured that the end product was a testament to effective collaboration and meticulous oversight. The website and application have since played a significant role in promoting dialogue and peace among the youth in the Great Lakes region.

01 June 2021 - 31 March 2022


Refactory Tech Academy

Certificate in Software Engineering
17th January 2022 - 31st October 2022


Certificate in Software Testing
01 May 2022 - 30th May 2022

Makerere University

Bachelor of Information Technology
01 August 2016 - 30th May 2019


Integration of React Native with Simprints ID - A Biometric App

To achieve the integration, I built a custom React Native bridge that acted as a communication channel between the two apps. This bridge allowed React Native code to interact with native Java modules in the Simprints ID app, enabling the utilization of biometric authentication features offered by Simprints. By creating this bridge, I ensured that the React Native app could leverage the powerful capabilities of the Simprints ID biometric system.

Development and CI/CD Pipeline:

- In addition to the frontend integration, I also took charge of building the backend infrastructure to support the biometric functionalities. This involved setting up a robust and scalable backend system to handle user data securely and facilitate smooth interactions between the app and the Simprints ID servers.

- To ensure efficiency and automation in the development process, I established a Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipeline. This pipeline streamlined the development workflow, allowing for automatic testing, building, and deployment of code changes. This automation significantly reduced the risk of human error and sped up the release cycle.

Frontend Design and Logic:

- Beyond the technical integrations, I actively contributed to the frontend design and logic of the app. Working closely with the frontend team, I collaborated on creating an intuitive and visually appealing user interface. Additionally, I implemented the necessary logic to facilitate the interaction between the React Native components and the biometric functionalities provided by Simprints ID.

Achievements and Impact:

-By successfully integrating React Native with Simprints ID, I significantly enhanced the capabilities of the application. This integration enabled the app to offer robust and secure biometric authentication, ensuring a higher level of user identity verification. The project's success was vital in elevating the overall user experience, making it more convenient and secure for users to access sensitive information or perform critical actions within the app.

- Overall, the integration of React Native with Simprints ID was a successful project that showcased my technical expertise in mobile app development, backend architecture, and automation through CI/CD. The project's positive impact on user authentication and user experience further solidified its importance in the realm of biometric app development.

July 2023

Mobiklinic, a React Native App for Rural Healthcare Service

The Mobiklinic React Native app is a groundbreaking solution that I developed, enabling Community Health Practitioners (CHPs) to provide vital health services to people in rural areas. This app serves as a transformative tool, empowering CHPs to deliver diagnosis, antenatal care, and vaccination services directly to those in underserved regions.

Key Features and Functionality:

- Remote Healthcare Services: The app bridges the gap between remote communities and healthcare providers, allowing CHPs to offer essential medical services without the need for physical visits to healthcare facilities. This capability is especially crucial in rural areas with limited access to medical centers.

- Diagnosis and Treatment: The Mobiklinic app equips CHPs with the tools and resources to conduct medical diagnosis on-site. With access to a comprehensive database of medical information and diagnostic tools, CHPs can accurately assess patients' conditions and provide appropriate treatment.

- Antenatal Care Support: Expectant mothers in rural areas often face challenges in accessing proper antenatal care. The app facilitates antenatal check-ups, ensuring that pregnant women receive regular monitoring and necessary guidance for a healthy pregnancy.

- Vaccination Services: Immunization is a critical aspect of public health. The app aids CHPs in organizing and administering vaccination programs, ensuring that children and adults in rural communities are protected against preventable diseases.

Data Collection and Reporting: The app includes data collection functionalities, enabling CHPs to record patient information, medical histories, treatment plans, and vaccination records. This data is securely stored and can be used for analysis, reporting, and future planning.

Overall, the Mobiklinic React Native app has become a powerful tool for improving healthcare accessibility and outcomes in rural areas. Its impact on public health has been significant, making a positive difference in the lives of countless individuals and communities. As the developer of this transformative app, I am proud to have contributed to such a noble cause, leveraging technology to address critical healthcare challenges in underserved regions.

App available on Google Play Store

April 2023

Spice Herb-Uganda, an eCommerce Application

Spice Herb is an innovative e-commerce application that I developed to provide a seamless shopping experience for spices and herbs enthusiasts. By harnessing the power of cutting-edge technologies, I aimed to create a platform that offers both modern functionality and visually appealing design.

Tech Stack:

The application is built upon a robust tech stack, leveraging the following technologies:

ReactJS and NextJS: The frontend of Spice Herb is powered by ReactJS and NextJS, enabling a fast and dynamic user interface. The combination of these frameworks ensures a smooth and engaging shopping experience for users.

Tailwind CSS: Tailwind CSS is employed to design an aesthetically pleasing and up-to-date user interface. This utility-first CSS framework allowed me to rapidly create a visually appealing design while maintaining consistency across the application.

PlanetScale MySQL Database: The backend of Spice Herb relies on PlanetScale database, providing a reliable and scalable data storage solution. This ensures smooth operation even during peak traffic times, guaranteeing a seamless user experience.

Stripe Payment Processing: To enable secure and efficient payment processing, I integrated Stripe into the application. This ensures smooth and secure transactions, instilling confidence in users during their shopping journey.


The source code for Spice Herb can be found on GitHub:Spice Herb Github Repository

You can experience the application live at:Spice Herb Live Demo

January 2023

Breast Health Application (Backend)

I was an integral part of the development team tasked with creating a life-changing application designed to empower users in performing breast cancer self-checks. As the backend engineer for this project, I utilized PostgreSQL and NestJS to build a robust and efficient backend infrastructure, ensuring seamless data management and communication with the front-end team responsible for implementing the application in Java.

Collaboration with Frontend Team:

Throughout the development process, I worked closely with the front-end team responsible for implementing the application in Java. Effective communication and collaboration were key in ensuring that the backend and frontend components seamlessly integrated, resulting in a coherent and user-friendly breast health application.

GitHub Repository:

The project's source code is available on GitHub, where I contributed to the backend development: Breast Health Backend GitHub Repository

Impact and Significance:

This Breast Health Application represents a vital tool in promoting breast cancer awareness and early detection. By empowering users to carry out self-checks, the application has the potential to save lives and encourage proactive health practices. My role as the backend engineer was crucial in building a stable and efficient foundation for the application's data processing and storage, contributing to its overall success and impact on breast health awareness and prevention.

November 2022

Agalm Market Place (Backend)

I had the privilege of being a part of the dynamic team entrusted with developing the Agalm Market Place, a cutting-edge blockchain peer-to-peer marketplace. As the backend engineer for this ambitious project, I leveraged a range of technologies, including JavaScript (Node.js, Nest.js, TypeScript), PostgreSQL, and AWS, to build a robust and secure backend infrastructure. Additionally, I collaborated closely with the front-end team, which was utilizing ReactJS and Material UI to craft an intuitive and visually appealing user interface.

Collaboration with Frontend Team:

The success of Agalm Market Place hinged on seamless collaboration between the backend and frontend teams. I worked closely with the front-end team, which was responsible for creating an engaging user experience using ReactJS and Material UI. Our synergy ensured a cohesive application that empowered users to navigate the marketplace effortlessly.

Impact and Vision:

The Agalm Market Place has the potential to revolutionize the concept of online marketplaces by embracing blockchain technology and decentralization. By creating a peer-to-peer platform, we aimed to empower users to transact directly, eliminating intermediaries and fostering trust through transparent and secure transactions. This project embodied the vision of embracing innovative solutions to create a fairer and more efficient marketplace.

The project's source code is available on GitHub, where I contributed to the backend development: Agalm Market place Backend GitHub Repository

October 2022

Prison Management System

I undertook the development of a comprehensive Prison Management System, a full-stack solution designed to streamline prison administration by registering new inmates, guards, and staff cooks. The project showcased my proficiency in a range of technologies and best practices to deliver a secure and efficient system.

Key Features:

Inmate Registration: The system allows the registration of new inmates, capturing essential information and maintaining accurate records of the prison population.

Guard and Staff Registration: New guards and staff cooks can be efficiently registered within the system, facilitating proper management and identification.

Github project link
June 2022

Parkville Car Parking System

I took on the exciting challenge of developing the Parkville Car Parking System, a comprehensive solution designed to manage car parking, battery hire, and car tyre clinic services. As the sole developer, I crafted both the frontend and backend components, employing a range of technologies to ensure a seamless and efficient user experience.

Github project link
February 2022


Apart from being a Software Engineer, I enjoy most of my free time being outdoors, playing football once in a while, forest trekking, team building games and more.

When forced indoors, I follow a number of sci-fi and action genre movies and television shows, play fifa game with friends. I am an aspiring chef, I try to cook different dishes and I spend a large amount of my free time exploring the latest technolgy advancements in the software world.